Melissa DelMastro
On the Road: McKeever’s Market
Check out this beautiful new store, McKeever’s Market & Eatery , home to one of our Piñabars sold by Juicernet!
- Overland Park and Leawood Price Chopper, Welcome to the Piñabar Family!
- McKeever’s Price Chopper in Parkville, Welcome to the Piñabar Family!
The modern market features a strong focus on fresh and the Pinabar fits right into that concept.
McKeever’s Market is a 60,000-square-foot high-end grocery store that specializes in fresh and prepared foods. The McKeever family owns 10 stores in the Kansas City metro area under the Price Chopper banner, but this is the first to display the family name.
It’s located at 87th Street and Interstate 435 in Lenexa, KS, a suburb of Kansas City, MO. The grand opening was hosted on June 12, 2019.
Of course, shoppers notice the openness and sheer size of the produce department, not to mention other fresh foods, but it also incorporates some modern technology that benefits shoppers. The Piñabar is the latest technology in pineapple peeling and coring so they appear to be staying up to speed on some of the latest trends in technology.