Nicole Loomis
In our health-obsessed world, it’s no surprise that countless consumers are turning to the benefits of juicing. Fresh fruit juices provide us with numerous nutrients — and they taste delicious, too. If you’ve based your business on the idea of serving fresh juices and smoothies, you’re definitely not alone. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have room for improvement. In today’s post, we’re sharing some of our favorite juicing tips — and a few mistakes you’ll definitely want to avoid.
MISTAKE: Your juice bar recipes don’t appeal to customers.If you want to sell your products successfully, you’ll need to understand exactly who your customer is. You’ll need to know which kinds of juices and flavors have mass appeal and which are more of a niche offering. For example, orange juice was the most popular choice for Americans in 2015, with the average individual drinking 2.7 gallons of OJ that year. That means citrus flavors typically please consumers of all ages, while other options (like celery or tomato) aren’t quite as universal. While that doesn’t mean you can’t offer these flavors, it does mean you’ll likely fare better if you pad your menu with proven favorites first. Otherwise, you might never convince your customers to try what you’re selling.
MISTAKE: You aren’t making juices to order.When you use a juice maker at home, you probably pour the juice into a glass right away to drink immediately. That’s theoretically what should happen at your business, too. But to save time, you might be tempted to juice ahead and serve once the customer has ordered. Not only does this cut down on the ability to customize a product, but it can also compromise the quality of the juice. One of the best juicing tipsto follow is to always serve it right away and ensure the juice is cold for your customer.
MISTAKE: You aren’t including veggies in your juices.Fruits get a lot of the glory, but don’t forget that juice provides the perfect vehicle for veggies! Customers may not love the taste of certain vegetables in their smoothies or juices, but they provide a lot of nutrients. Plus, they can easily be hidden amongst other flavors and can often provide some beautiful colors. Carrots, beets, celery, cucumber, and other vegetables can make for a welcome addition that consumers may not notice right away but can promote their health goals in the long term.
MISTAKE: You haven’t invested in a professional juicer.One of the most important juicing tips for businesses is to obtain the correct equipment. You simply can’t make the quantity and quality of products you need if you’re relying on a home juicer machine. You’ll need a professional juicer (or several) to ensure you can serve your customers and keep up the continuous stream of juice products. Investing in a professional juice maker can also open up the potential for juice varieties and cut down on the amount of prep labor your staff will need to perform. You can’t expect to go pro using subpar equipment, so consider this to be an investment in your business and opt for the highest quality juicers on the market.
Whether you want more juicing tips or need to troubleshoot your juicing products, we’re here to be of service. For more information, please contact us today.