Commercial Juicers are being added to Universities as students request healthier choices on campus. This was the case with Texas Tech when they listened to requests from the Student Government Association requesting a juice bar. We are glad they contacted Juicernet so we could help them with this project and get them two Ceado ES700’s for their juice bar. Students at Texas Tech University can head over to the Student Union for a glass of fresh juice! During their busy times like lunch the staff makes a bunch of fresh juice and puts them in the cooler so students can grab a quick juice and head back to class.
The Daily Toreador covered the new addition:
“A few of the dining locations on campus underwent major updates and had to be closed down during the summer, he said. Smart Choices at the Student Union Building was shut down and given a completely new look and feel.
Additionally, in line with requests from the Student Government Association, a new juice bar was introduced at Smart Choices in the SUB, Cushman said. This will be Tech’s first juice bar on campus.
“Our registered dietician, Mindy Diller, she does some really amazing things on campus for nutrition,” he said.
Diller worked closely with other employees at Hospitality Services to come up with new and innovative recipes for the juice bar, Cushman said.
“Typically, nutritional success leads to overall healthier students and more successful students in the classroom and beyond,” Diller said.
As a registered dietician, Diller said she focuses on students’ nutritional success.
After testing different recipes at the juice bar throughout the summer, Diller said they came up with juices that are gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian and typically allergen free.
The juices also will satisfy both health and taste requirements, she said.
This was the first year Hospitality Services made changes in all of their major locations at one time, Diller said, so she worked at the locations to ensure the food served was not only tasty but also nutritional.
“Trying to find that balance is always unique and adventurous on our part,” she said.”